Make the Most of Every Meal

Make the Most of Every Meal

At the heart of the Well Fed Peasant is the belief that home cooking and eating well is important and possible for everyone. Simple, inexpensive ingredients and items often thought of as waste can be used to create delicious meals by anyone. Yes. Even you.

Essentially, going back to the principles that our ‘peasant’ grandmothers cooked by – extending meals by adding vegetables and grains, making the most of every animal protein or vegetable they used and often using less desirable cuts cooked in different ways is great way to cook. It’s good for our bodies, our wallets and our planet.

Great, homemade ‘peasant’ meals nourish body and soul, connect us to our roots and help us discover other cultures. So let’s start making this a better world one meal at a time.

Ideas? Thoughts? Comments?